OIC Strategic Commodities

PILLAR 3:Capacity Building

Strategic Objectives

Provide technical expertise to strengthen Member State capacity

Strategic Programmes

  • Development of Gene Banks
  • OIC Strategic Commodities 
  • OIC Healthy & Safe Food Ecosystem
  • Bio & AgriTech Development  
  • Climate impact/ Resource Management 
  • Water Management in Agriculture (current)
  • Transboundary Pest Control Management (current)

10 year goals

  • 1 Gene Bank (Plant and Animal Genetic Resource Center) in most suitable Member States (coordinate across all MS)
  • Individual MS competent Gene Banks to have agreements with main one
  • ‘Key’ commodities productivity by X% (e.g., yield per hectare at global benchmark)
  • Increase in ‘key commodities’ production in MS by (decrease in % net imports or X million tons)
  • Increase # of Member States producing select key commodities
  • Adoption of IOFS developed OIC food system policy framework across majority Member States
  • Increase % consumption of healthy/ nutritious (i.e., ‘Tayyab’) food
  • Reduce halal food import dependency by X%
  • TBD
  • TBD
  • Water use efficiency per crop
  • Preservation of water reserves (% )
  • Reduction in cross countries pest attack
  • Reduction in ‘key’ crops related vulnerable Member States pest attacks

Programmes of Pillar 3

OIC Strategic Commodities

Strategic Objectives:

Obj # 5: Provide technical expertise to strengthen the capacity of MS


Strategic Objectives:

Provide technical expertise to strengthen Member State’s capacity to enhance the sustainable production and supply of wheat.

Program Description:

This Program supports the capacity-building pillar of IOFS strategy in strengthening key strategic commodity (Wheat) availability and quality across the Member States of OIC. The program is fostering collaborative research, promoting innovative agricultural practices, and facilitating knowledge exchange and capacity-building initiatives aiming to manage resources effectively, increase wheat yields, improve quality, reduce post-harvest losses, and ultimately ensure a sustainable, reliable, and resilient wheat supply chain, thereby bolstering food security within the OIC region.


- Facilitate the Member States in accessing expertise, and best practices, and in mobilizing and scaling up innovative technologies and resources for a sustainable wheat supply chain.

- Strengthen the capacity of Member States by providing training programs, and knowledge-sharing platforms;

- Provide technical assistance to Member States;

- Facilitate technology exchange programs, promoting the adoption of innovative and sustainable agricultural practices.


- Knowledge Sharing and Capacity Building Platform. Organization of extensive training programs, workshops, seminars and exchange programs to enhance the skills and knowledge of breeders, farmers, agricultural technicians, and in wheat cultivation and management.

- Technology Transfer and Upgradation. Collaboration with international and local agricultural research centers to introduce the transfer of advanced farming technologies and practices to Member States. This includes high-yield seed varieties, new technologies, and sustainable farming practices.

- Research and Development Collaboration. Establish partnerships with agricultural research institutions to conduct research specific to the needs of the Member States, focusing on improving wheat yields, pest resistance, and climate adaptability.

- Data Collection and Analysis. Implement comprehensive data collection and analysis systems to monitor wheat production trends, market demands, and supply chain efficiencies. This data will inform strategic decisions and policy development.

- Resource Allocation and Financial Support. Mobilize necessary financial resources and allocate them efficiently to support the various initiatives within the program. This may include funding for research projects, infrastructure development, and technology acquisition.


- Shared expertise in modern wheat cultivation among farmers and agricultural professionals, enhancing their knowledge and practices;

- Promoted higher wheat yields based on existing research and development efforts of member states, contributing to improved productivity;

- Strengthened networking and knowledge sharing, fostering cooperative solutions to address wheat production challenges;

- Implemented capacity-building initiatives, resulting in a more skilled workforce within the wheat sector;

- Formulated new projects following fruitful discussions with all interested stakeholders, driving further advancements in wheat production;

- Developed and published technical papers, contributing to the body of knowledge in wheat cultivation and related fields;

- Introduced best practices and innovative technologies, promoting their adoption to enhance wheat production efficiency and resilience.

Highlights of implemented activities (activity-wise for each activity):

2020: Establishment of Wheat Expertise Platform. Providing a Platform Wheat experts from the OIC geography. The Platform serves the scientific community, breeders and farmers on available wheat varieties, advanced technologies, farming practices, analytical insights, research papers, and policy information and recommendations;

2021: Online Workshops on Wheat varieties and Stresses. Conducted online workshops discussing high-yielding wheat varieties and approaches to combat biotic and abiotic stresses. Facilitated by the A.I. Barayev Scientific-Production Center for Grain Farming of Kazakhstan, these sessions shared knowledge and best practices with OIC Member States, leading to valuable discussions and actionable recommendations.

2021: Hybrid Workshop on Modern Wheat Breeding . Organized a hybrid workshop on modern wheat breeding practices and technologies for the Asian group of Member States. The workshop identified common grounds among experts, fostering collaboration and enhancing understanding of advanced breeding techniques.

2022: Wheat Improvement Expert Meeting. Held a three-day expert meeting in Pakistan with participation from international organizations such as ICARDA, CIMMYT, ACSAD, AOAD, and ICBA. The meeting collected recommendations for further implementation within the program. A special session focused on Afghanistan's wheat production issues, identifying challenges and initiating collaborative efforts to address them.

2023: Wheat Task Force Visit to Mauritania . Conducted a technical visit to Mauritania with the Wheat Task Force from North African countries and IOFS partners such as AOAD, ACSAD, and CILSS. Primary discussions with stakeholders were held, identifying collaboration opportunities with partners to improve the wheat production system.

2023: International Conference on Rice and Wheat Value Chain. Hosted the Conference on Rice and Wheat Value Chain in Ankara, Turkey, for the CWANA Region in partnership with AOAD. The conference identified bottlenecks and best practices in the region's countries, emphasizing critical challenges such as food waste and loss, and initiating a project among stakeholders to address these issues.

2023: International Conference on Food Security. The Conference on Food Security in the Arab World During and After Crises, in Tunisia in which a special Session was dedicated to “Improving systems to produce strategic commodities” was organized and highlighted existing challenges and fostered collaborative conclusions, paving the way for further implementation of resolutions to enhance food security.


- 6 and 8 February 2024 - Online Consultative meetings of the Wheat Experts/Breeders from the OIC Member States focusing on wheat germplasm exchange and the development of Material Transfer Agreements (MTA) among countries;

- 9-23 February 2024 - Exchange visit and hands-on training workshop in Faisalabad and Multan, Pakistan, covering best farming practices, the introduction of new technologies, and high-yielding, resilient wheat varieties;

- 10 May 2024 - Conference on "Prospects for the Effective Use of Genetic Resources and Crops and the Use of Modern Advanced Cultivation Technologies in Ensuring Food Security" in Karshi, Uzbekistan.

- 11 May 2024 - Training Workshop on "Seeds of Tomorrow: Innovations Testing for Resilient Agriculture in Central Asia" in Karshi, Uzbekistan, featuring:

  1. On-site hands-on training on testing and characterization of new wheat seeds in Central Asia: Uzbekistan;
  2. Workshop on the deployment of innovative technologies in local wheat breeding programs in Central Asia: Uzbekistan”.

Planned activities:

- 24-26 June 2024 – Workshop on “Smart Wheat Breeding” with the Agricultural University “Zhetusy” named after I. Zhansugurov, Taldyqorgan, Kazakhstan;

  1. Training on "Seeds of Tomorrow: Innovations Testing for Resilient Agriculture in Kazakhstan: Climate Smart Breeding;
  2. Training on Pathogens and wheat diseases.

-November 2024, Series of Training Workshops on "Seeds of Tomorrow: Innovations Testing for Resilient Agriculture in MENA region (Egypt, Iraq, Tunisia and Libya):

Climate Smart Breeding:

  1. On-site hands-on training on testing and characterization of new wheat seeds;
  2. Workshop on the deployment of innovative technologies in local wheat breeding programs”



Strategic Objectives:

- Increase technologies for raising cassava production, productivity and profitability;

- Improve availability and accessibility of improved cassava planting materials;

- Facilitate and strengthen cassava postharvest management practices, product development and value addition;

- Promote and facilitate cassava inter and intra OIC trade;

- Strengthen cassava product markets and marketing

Program Description:

Cassava has been recognized by member countries of Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) as a food security and commercial crop that lends itself to a commodity approach to poverty alleviation, given the close connection between the poverty level in many parts of Africa and its crucial role in the cropping and food systems in these areas.


As part of the processes to improve food security, cassava is among the crops that the Islamic Organization for Food Security (IOFS) is prioritizing in its “Plans of Action” for strategic commodities within Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Member States as per mandate of OIC Plan of Action.


To provide a strategic framework that will promote and facilitate cassava production and value addition to ensure sustainable and a reliable food and nutrition security and income generation in cassava producing countries of OIC-MS.


- Reach out national cassava programs of sub-Saharan Africa of OIC-MS and enabling them to envision and take steps toward enhancing cassava productivity.

- Enhance collaboration on cassava production to contribute to reliable food security in OIC-MS.


At the end of successful implementation of this program, IOFS aims to

- Enhance farmers’ food security and income through increased production and productivity;

- Enhance strong regional collaboration between member states of Sub-Saharan Africa;

- Increase transfer of skills and technical know-how among cassava farmers and other actors involved in the value chain;

- Enhance sustainable and resilient cassava value chain;

- Strengthen accessibility of robust cassava data along the value chain;

Highlights of implemented activities (activity-wise for each activity):

  1. Advanced Agronomic Methods to Increase Cassava Yields held in Maputo, Mozambique;
  2. Regional Cassava Next Generation Breeding held in Abuja, Nigeria.

Highlights of planned activities (activity-wise for each activity):

  1. Regional Cassava Best Practices to Enhance Production and Productivity for Sustainable Value Chain in OIC-MS to be conducted in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire;
  2. Cassava Postharvest Management Practices for Sustainable Development in OIC-MS to be conducted in Kampala, Uganda;
  3. Pilot Project on Advanced Agronomic Methods to Increase Cassava Yields focusing Mozambique.

Success story

Capacity Building Activities (CBAs) were organized for technicians, farmers and actors of cassava value chain on ‘Advanced Agronomic Methods to Increase Cassava yields’ and ‘Regional Cassava Next Generation Breeding’ held in Mozambique and Nigeria, respectively. The trainings focused on site selections, stem handling, fertilizer application, pests and diseases management, density management in sole and intercropping systems, postharvest management practices, varietal characterization and identification, sustainable land use practices and business opportunities in cassava sub-sector within and outside OIC geography.



Strategic Objectives:

- Enhancing Olive Oil Production Efficiency: increase the efficiency of olive oil production through the implementation of best practices in harvesting, processing, and value chain management.

- Strengthening Market Access: facilitate market access for olive oil producers by identifying and addressing challenges in the value chain.

- Technology Adoption for Agricultural Advancement: promote the adoption of advanced agricultural technologies in olive farming to enhance productivity and efficiency.

- Promoting Sustainable Farming Practices: encourage the adoption of sustainable farming practices among olive growers to improve yield, quality, and environmental impact.

- Knowledge Exchange and Collaboration: foster collaboration and knowledge exchange among stakeholders, including farmers, researchers, and international organizations.

- Policy Formulation for Sustainable Agriculture: contribute to the development of policies that promote sustainable agriculture, including organic cultivation and eco-friendly pest control measures.

- Capacity Building: build the capacity of farmers, researchers, and industry professionals in efficient harvesting, processing techniques, and technology adoption.

Program Description:

The OIC Strategic Commodity Olive program is a comprehensive initiative aimed at reinforcing the olive oil sector in OIC Member States. Aligned with broader regional goals, the program focuses on key strategic objectives, enhancing production efficiency, technological adoption, and sustainability within the olive oil value chain. By fostering collaboration among olive farmers, industry associations, government bodies, and international organizations, the program addresses challenges and capitalizes on opportunities in the olive oil sector. The overarching vision is to contribute to the long-term food security, economic stability, and environmental sustainability of participating OIC Member States.

The program strives to improve the efficiency of olive oil production through the introduction and implementation of best practices in harvesting, processing, and value chain management. Additionally, it aims to promote the adoption of advanced agricultural technologies, ultimately boosting productivity and sustainability. Recognizing the importance of sustainable farming practices, the program emphasizes workshops, knowledge-sharing sessions, and collaboration with international entities.

The OIC Strategic Commodity Olive program seeks to strengthen the olive oil sector, enhance regional food security, and foster sustainable agricultural practices. The collective efforts of participating stakeholders are expected to result in a more resilient, competitive, and environmentally conscious olive oil industry within the OIC Member States.


The Islamic Organization for Food Security (IOFS), in accordance with Resolution N° 1/46-E, adopted at the 46th Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, has actively tackled challenges and opportunities within key commodities in the OIC region. This strategic initiative aims to enhance resilience in food security and has traditionally focused on Wheat, Rice, Cassava, and Palm Oil.

In September 2021, during the 4th session of the General Assembly, the "IOFS Vision 2031" was adopted, presenting a 10-year strategy document with key pillars and impact goals. This strategy advocates for the expansion of the range of strategic commodities, aligning with the national interests of Member States.

Recognizing the pivotal role of olives and olive oil for OIC-producing countries and their significance in global trade, IOFS has included them in its Strategic Commodities. This decision aligns with historical acknowledgments of the importance of Olive for OIC countries, dating back to the Sixteenth Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers in 1986 in Fez, Kingdom of Morocco. Resolution No.11/16-E, adopted during this conference, emphasized the crucial role of the International Agreement on Olive Oil as a key instrument of cooperation in the field.

In a joint declaration signed on September 13, 2023, between IOFS and the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources, and Maritime Fisheries (MARHPM) of the Republic of Tunisia, collaborating partners and IOFS aim to further develop strategies and innovative solutions for the adaptation of olive crops to disruptions in climate conditions. This collaborative effort leverages scientific research findings and sustainable agricultural practices, with objectives including the evaluation of climate change's impact on olive growing, the development of action plans for resilient olive varieties, the promotion of sustainable agricultural practices, and the raising of awareness among stakeholders on the importance of adapting olive cultivation to climate change.

The inclusion of Olives as a Strategic Commodity underscores IOFS's commitment to addressing specific needs within the olive sector and contributes to the overall food security objectives of the OIC region. This initiative represents a significant stride toward the organization's vision for sustainable agricultural development, economic stability, and environmental responsibility within its Member States.


- Olive Crop Resilience: Develop strategies to enhance the resilience of the olive sector to climate change, emphasizing adaptive practices and sustainable production methods.

- Promote Sustainable Olive Cultivation: Position the OIC region as a leader in sustainable olive farming by advocating and implementing environmentally conscious practices in the olive value chain.

- Foster Technological Advancements in Olive Production: Drive technological innovation and adoption in the olive sector to improve productivity, quality, and competitiveness.

- Empower Olive Producers Through Training: Invest in the development of human capital by providing training and capacity-building programs, empowering individuals involved in olive production and management.

- Facilitate Olive Market Access: Facilitate market access for olive products, both domestically and internationally, fostering trade relationships and contributing to the economic prosperity of OIC Member States.

- Raise Public Awareness on Olive Benefits: Raise public awareness about the vital role of olives and olive oil in daily life, emphasizing sustainable practices and cultivating a sense of responsibility among consumers.


The OIC Strategic Commodity Olive program is actively implementing its comprehensive vision by fostering robust collaboration with key partners in the olive industry and international organizations, including FAO, the International Olive Oil Council, regional associations, and others. Through a diverse array of activities, such as specialized workshops, forums, and conferences featuring experts from leading olive-producing nations, the program is driving advancements in the sector. It focuses on key areas like efficient harvesting, quality processing, and understanding global market trends. The program is also at the forefront of adopting cutting-edge agricultural technologies in olive farming, promoting innovation, and enhancing productivity. Concurrently, research and development initiatives are actively being implemented to improve the quality, productivity, and resilience of olive cultivation, contributing substantively to the sector's sustainable growth.


1) Enhanced Olive and Olive Oil Production Efficiency: The implementation of best practices has led to a significant improvement in the efficiency of olive oil production, resulting in increased yields and higher-quality products.

2) Strengthened Market Access: The program's efforts to address challenges in the value chain have facilitated improved market access for olive oil producers, creating new opportunities for international trade.

3) Successful Technology Adoption: The promotion of advanced agricultural technologies in olive farming has led to increased productivity and efficiency, positioning the OIC region as a hub for technological innovation in the olive sector.

4) Promotion of Sustainable Farming Practices: The program's emphasis on sustainable farming practices has not only improved yield and quality but has also contributed to environmental conservation, aligning olive cultivation with eco-friendly standards.

5) Effective Knowledge Exchange and Collaboration: The collaborative efforts among stakeholders, including farmers, researchers, and international organizations, have resulted in a vibrant knowledge exchange network, fostering continuous learning and collaboration.

6) Capacity Building Impact: Capacity-building programs have empowered farmers, researchers, and industry professionals, enhancing their skills in efficient harvesting, processing techniques, and technology adoption.

Highlights of Implemented Activities (Activity-wise for Each Activity):

The meeting on the promotion of olive oil, in Tunis in June 2022 addressed challenges in the Olive oil industry, deliberated on standardization and research methodologies, and fostered enhanced cooperation among research institutes and international organizations. With participants from OIC member states, the meeting provided a vital platform for collaborative efforts and knowledge exchange, contributing significantly to the advancement and strengthening of the Olive oil sector.

Highlights of planned 2024 activities (activity-wise for each activity):

1) Advanced Technology Adoption in Olive Farming:

- Formation of partnerships between farmers and technology providers, scaling up successful practices.

- Compilation of workshop findings and best practices into a document for wider dissemination.

2) Sustainable Olive Farming Practices

- Workshop focusing on sustainable agriculture, with participation from olive farmers, researchers, and government officials.

- Encouragement of organic cultivation methods and eco-friendly pest control measures

- Formulation of policy recommendations for promoting sustainable practices in olive farming.

Success Story:

A noteworthy success story unfolded during the "Meeting on Promotion of Olive Oil," as collaborative efforts of IOFS and the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries of Tunisia, International Olive Council, resulted in the initiation of a participatory research program involving olive growers. This groundbreaking initiative aimed to empower local farmers by incorporating their insights and experiences into research and development initiatives. As a direct outcome, participating growers gained access to cutting-edge agricultural practices, leading to a boost in productivity and the production of premium-quality Olive oils.


Strategic Partners:



OIC: OIC Member States, COMSTECH





Global: FAO

OIC: IsDB, ICDT, the International Olive Oil Council, Regional Olive Sector Associations, and various Government Bodies and Research institutions and universities such as the National Agricultural Research Center in Jordan, Olive Growing Research Institute in Turkey, Izmir Technology University, National Institute of Agronomy in Tunisia, Algerian National Institute of Agricultural Research, Spanish Institute for Sustainable Agriculture in OIC countries and globally.

Cross-linked IOFS Programs: