Food Security Governance

PILLAR 1:Governance Enablement

Strategic Objectives

  1. Facilitate effective Member State food security policies and regulatory frameworks
  2. Assess and monitor MS food security needs for effective decision making

Strategic Programmes

  1. Food Security Governance
  2. IOFS Food Balance Database

10 year goals

  1. Facilitate effective Member State food security policies and regulatory frameworks
  2. Assess and monitor MS food security needs for effective decision making

Programmes of Pillar 1

Food Security Governance

Strategic Objectives:

Obj #1: Facilitate effective MS FS policies and regulatory frameworks

Program Description:

This Program supports the Governance Enablement pillar of IOFS strategy driving effective and efficient government food security/system policy-making and governance.

The program “Food Security Governance” has the unanimous support of member states during the 3rd IOFS General Assembly 2-3 December 2020 for its implementation, as well as conclusions of the study on “Good Governance for ensuring food security and nutrition in the OIC Member States” by COMCEC 2020, stressed on the importance of IOFS to consider food security governance and building resilient food systems in its activities.

The goal of Food Security Governance is to overcome the food security problems, including hunger and malnutrition through developing and implementing the national and subnational legal and regulatory frameworks on food and nutrition security; as well as to promote an effective and efficient relationship between the state and other actors to carry out activities aiming to ensure food and nutrition security, as well as sustainable agricultural development.

By implementing this program, IOFS is intended to:

- build platforms and establish networks for the exchange and accumulation of the OIC experience in food security governance;

- facilitate the share of best OIC and international practices with Member States;

- assist the Member States in developing coherent policy frameworks and resilient inter-sectoral government systems to ensure the sustainable food systems of each country in the OIC region.

10-Year Strategic Goal(s):

  • All Member States should have a Food Security policy framework and implementation mechanism

Strategic Partners:



Cross-linked IOFS Programs:

IOFS Food BalanceDatabase (to host related policy and guidelines)

Coordination with all Pillar Programs for Policy making