Climate Smart Agriculture

PILLAR 3:Capacity Building

Strategic Objectives

Provide technical expertise to strengthen Member State capacity

Strategic Programmes

  • Development of Gene Banks
  • OIC Strategic Commodities 
  • OIC Healthy & Safe Food Ecosystem
  • Bio & AgriTech Development  
  • Climate impact/ Resource Management 
  • Water Management in Agriculture (current)
  • Transboundary Pest Control Management (current)

10 year goals

  • 1 Gene Bank (Plant and Animal Genetic Resource Center) in most suitable Member States (coordinate across all MS)
  • Individual MS competent Gene Banks to have agreements with main one
  • ‘Key’ commodities productivity by X% (e.g., yield per hectare at global benchmark)
  • Increase in ‘key commodities’ production in MS by (decrease in % net imports or X million tons)
  • Increase # of Member States producing select key commodities
  • Adoption of IOFS developed OIC food system policy framework across majority Member States
  • Increase % consumption of healthy/ nutritious (i.e., ‘Tayyab’) food
  • Reduce halal food import dependency by X%
  • TBD
  • TBD
  • Water use efficiency per crop
  • Preservation of water reserves (% )
  • Reduction in cross countries pest attack
  • Reduction in ‘key’ crops related vulnerable Member States pest attacks

Programmes of Pillar 3

Climate Smart Agriculture

Strategic Objectives:

Provide technical expertise to strengthen the capacity of MS

Strategic Objectives:

  1. Develop a comprehensive program for the deployment of climate-resilient agricultural practices, ensuring farmers across OIC member states have access to and training in methods that increase crop stability and productivity amid climatic changes.
  2. Establish a region-wide integrated pest management protocol to safeguard crops and to ensure the health of agricultural ecosystems and the protection of strategic commodities.
  3. Advocate for and implement innovative irrigation and water-saving strategies that lead to optimized water usage in agriculture, coupled with the development of adaptive measures to address climate variability and water scarcity.
  4. Promote inclusive water strategies and accelerate the integration of modern water management technologies through strategic partnerships.
  5. support the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices that contribute to conservation of natural resources, focusing on long-term environmental health and food security within the OIC region.

Program Description:

The Climate Smart Agriculture program, integral to the Capacity Building Pillar of the Islamic Organization for Food Security (IOFS) 2031 Vision, is designed to enhance agricultural resilience and sustainability in OIC member states amid changing climatic conditions. This comprehensive initiative encompasses three key components: addressing climate impact on agriculture, optimizing water management in agriculture, and improving pest and diseases control management. The program aims to bolster food security through innovative strategies and technologies, facilitate efficient water use, and combat the challenges posed by transboundary pests and diseases.


Facing the urgent challenges posed by climate change, including increased temperatures, erratic weather, and the spread of pests and diseases, the OIC member states have initiated a program to strengthen agricultural resilience, ecosystem health, and water management. This program champions climate-smart agricultural practices and innovative water strategies to mitigate the risks of desertification, drought, and resource depletion. It emphasizes regional collaboration and capacity building, promoting the sharing of knowledge and joint efforts in sustainable practice implementation. In embracing technological advancements and inclusive governance, the program aims to arm member states with the necessary tools to adapt and prosper amidst the evolving climate landscape, safeguarding the region's food security, economic stability, and community well-being for the foreseeable future.


  1. Promote Climate-Resilient Agricultural Practices: Advance climate-smart agriculture to enhance productivity and stability of food supply in the face of climatic changes, integrating resilient practices into farming systems and combatting adverse effects such as desertification and drought.
  2. Safeguard Agricultural Ecosystems and Crop Yields: Focus on preserving agricultural ecosystems, natural resources, and IOFS strategic commodities. Implement robust pest control strategies to protect crops from threats like the Desert Locust, Red Palm Weevil, Fall army warm, Xylella fastidiosa, …. thereby preserving essential food production.
  3. Foster Regional Cooperation and Capacity Building: Emphasize collaborative efforts and knowledge sharing among OIC member states in pest control and water management. This includes building local capacities to effectively manage pests and diseases and to implement sustainable water management practices.
  4. Enhance Water Management and Efficiency: Promote advanced irrigation techniques and water-saving strategies to optimize water use in agriculture. Support the development of adaptive strategies to cope with climate variability and water-related challenges.
  5. Encourage Inclusive Water Strategies and Technology Transfer: Advocate for the involvement of all stakeholders in water strategies and foster partnerships for technology transfer. This objective aims to ensure that water management decisions and strategies are inclusive, reflecting the diverse needs and values of OIC member states.


  • Roll out training and development programs across member countries to educate farmers about climate-smart agriculture practices. Launch demonstration projects showcasing these techniques in diverse climatic zones.
  • Develop and implement a regional pest monitoring system, distribute eco-friendly pest management solutions, and conduct regular assessments to safeguard crops and ecosystems.
  • Create a platform for member states to collaborate on issues related to pest control, water management, and climate resilience. This should include joint research initiatives, knowledge exchange forums, and shared training programs.
  • Support the adoption of modern irrigation technologies and water conservation strategies. Assist member states in formulating and implementing effective water management policies that align with climate change adaptation strategies.
  • Engage all stakeholders, including local communities, in water governance and decision-making processes. Establish partnerships for technology transfer and capacity building in water management, ensuring that policies reflect the diverse needs of OIC member states.


  • Increased adoption of resilient farming practices will yield higher agricultural productivity and food security, with the added benefit of lower environmental impact, even in the context of challenging climate conditions.
  • Implementation of effective pest control measures will result in marked reductions in crop damage, increased agricultural output, and the preservation of the integrity and health of agricultural ecosystems.
  • Strengthened collaboration between member states will foster a rich exchange of agricultural knowledge, innovative solutions, and best practices, collectively enhancing the region's ability to address agricultural challenges.
  • Improved water conservation and efficient use within the agricultural sector will lead to enhanced resilience to water scarcity and contribute to the sustainable management of vital water resources.
  • The active participation of local communities in water governance, coupled with the adoption of advanced water management technologies, will lead to policy frameworks that cater to the varied needs of member states.
  • Strengthened surveillance and early detection systems will significantly improve the capacity to manage transboundary pests and diseases, preventing their spread and establishment, while capacity-building initiatives will empower professionals to implement sustainable management strategies.

Highlights of implemented activities:

  • Regional Conference on: Resilient Agriculture in IOFS-MS: Climate Adaptation and Food Security, Tunis, Tunisia, 12-13 September 2023
  • Workshop training on Addressing the challenges of Climate impact on Food Security in Sahel Region, 15-19 May 2023 Niamey Niger
  • Two days Webinars on Climate Adaptation and Food Security in MENA Region
  • Adaptation strategies and practices employed by Arab countries to mitigate the effects of climate change on agricultural production, Tunis Tunisia, 20-21 December 2023
  • A round table on "Policy Guidelines for Sustainable Water Management in Agriculture in OIC member countries” (a side event at Cairo Water Week 2022) 16 October 2022, Egypt
  • Training workshop on Capacity Building for Farmers on Management of Water in Agriculture 16-17 May 2022, Niger
  • IOFS Training Program within the framework of Water Hub for West African and Central Asian Member Countries 31 August 1st September 2021 (Hybrid Format)

Highlights of planned activities:

  • Conference on Resilient Mediterranean Agriculture and Adaptation to Climate Change
  • Training on Climate-Smart Wheat Farming
  • Capacity building for Young Farmers on Urban Agrifood System
  • Round Table on Integrated Water Resource Management approaches (Cairo Water Week Side Event)
  • Training Workshop on Xylella fastidiosa: Mitigating the Threat to Mediterranean Olive Trees
  • Expert Meeting on Pest and Disease Management in Wheat and Rice Farming
  • Training Workshop on Pest and Disease Management in Cassava Farming

Success story

  • Climate impact on food security in the Sahel Region
  • Climate impact on Food security in the NENA Region
  • Climate impact on Food security in the Arab Region
  • Data collection on Plant Pest and Diseases in the OIC geography

Strategic Partners:



Cross-linked IOFS Programs: