The second technical meeting between the Islamic Organization for Food Security (IOFS) and the OIC Women Development Organization (WDO) was held virtually on 16 March 2022 for furthering the exchange of views on how to proceed in relation to bilateral cooperation.
The WDO was represented by Ms. Fatma Azahraa Abdelkawy, Director for Policy, Program & Inter-governmental Support, along with colleagues representing different WDO Secretariat’s Departments, including Legal Affairs and Strategic Partnership, while Dr. Ismail Abdelhamid, IOFS Director of Programmes & Projects Office, led the IOFS Team.
The Meeting considered, in detail, the draft Joint Action Plan that is to encompass several activities to be organized within strategic frameworks and relevant mandates of both Specialized Institutions of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), and agreed that the same is to be reviewed twice per year with in-person meetings taking place in Egypt and Kazakhstan, hosting countries of WDO and IOFS, respectively.
Furthermore, the two sides agreed that within the celebration of “2022 IOFS Year for Africa”, the first activity of the aforesaid Joint Action Plan would be Capacity Building for Farmers in Niger on Water Management in Agriculture, scheduled to be held on 16-17 May 2022 in Niamey, Niger, with the partnership of Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS) to train 300 farmers of which 200 would be women.