The Director-General of IOFS, HE Yerlan A. Baidaulet had yet another day of meetings in Aqaba city, in the south of Jordan. The Head of the IOFS delegation was accompanied by Kazakhstan's Ambassador to Jordan, HE Aidarbek A. Toumatov, and Mr.Safwan Alsaaideh, the IOFS Financial Manager.
The Director General started his meetings by one with the Executive Director of the Aqaba Development Corporation (ADC), HE Eng. Mohammad Al-Sakran. ADC is owned by the Government of Jordan and Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority and is mandated to build new infrastructure, expand existing utilities, create necessary business enablers and manage/operate key facilities for Aqaba port and city.
The parties discussed the investment opportunities to improve and develop intra-OIC food supply chains, and the strategic location of the city of Aqaba, HE Eng. Mohammad Al-Sakran provide a detailed explanation of the company's current and future projects, in addition to the strategic plan. From his side HE Yerlan A. Baidaulet expressed his admiration for the infrastructure and services in Aqaba.
During the day, Yerlan Baydaulet held productive meetings with Jordanian leading logistics companies in Aqaba, such as Aqaba Container Terminal, Aqaba Logistics Village, Aqaba Ports Corporation, Golden Triangle International.
At the end of the working day, the delegation was invited to a business lunch hosted by the Aqaba Development Corporation (ADC).