2 August 2021, HE IOFS Director General Yerlan A. Baidaulet met with HE Elsayed Elkosayar, Egyptian Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation and discussed the collaboration programs.
HE Minister of agriculture presented country food security challenges and how we have to move to sustainable food that allows to face these challenges and make the food for everyone. HE added that Egypt is strengthening every step in food production by using the best practices and technologies. HE stressed on the effect of climate change in agricultural sector.
HE IOFS Director General presented IOFS vision and program framework and stressed in cooperation with Member Countries. HE Director General briefed on the importance of cooperation through the programs related to science, technology and innovation in water management and transboundary pest control.
In the end of joint meeting both parties agreed for further and continuous cooperation.
In the same day, HE Director General of IOFS met with HE Ehab Badawy, Assistant (Deputy) Foreign Minister for Multilateral and international Security Affairs and discussed the IOFS framework and programs. The discussion extended to issues relating to the 4th IOFS General assembly and upcoming events.