Islamic Organization for Food Security and Republic of Türkiye Reinforce Collaborative Efforts to Enhance Food Security

Country: Turkey
Islamic Organization for Food Security and Republic of Türkiye Reinforce Collaborative Efforts to Enhance Food Security
17 July 2024

Astana, Kazakhstan — On 17 July 2024, the Islamic Organization for Food Security (IOFS) conducted a courtesy visit to the Embassy of the Republic of Türkiye in Astana, aimed at reinforcing and expanding their collaborative efforts in enhancing food security. This visit furthered their vital mission of addressing the food security challenges faced by Member States.

IOFS Director-General H.E. Ambassador Berik Aryn visited H.E. Mustafa Kapucu, Ambassador of Türkiye to Kazakhstan. His Excellency Ambassador Kapucu extended his congratulations to H.E. Ambassador Aryn on his appointment as the Director-General of IOFS. He conveyed his best wishes for the success of the Organization in addressing global food security challenges, particularly in Organization of Islamic Cooperation ( OIC ) Member States.

IOFS Director-General Ambassador Aryn expressed gratitude to Türkiye for being an active member of IOFS and wished for continued cooperation and unwavering support from Türkiye as a crucial hub for agricultural development. He acknowledged Türkiye's role in hosting various events and seminars through the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA), and other agencies in Türkiye.

Director-General Ambassador Aryn emphasized IOFS's global mandates for Africa and Afghanistan and expressed interest in collaborating with Turkish institutions on capacity building in strategic commodities such as wheat, rice, and cassava. He discussed the potential for transferring advanced techniques and skills to these regions.

Ambassador Kapucu highlighted the significance of food security and related crises on the global agenda. He elaborated on Türkiye's role in agricultural production and diplomatic initiatives, including the Black Sea Grain Initiative, which secured 35 million tons of grain trade to enhance food access. Although the initiative has been discontinued for political reasons, it significantly helped African countries access critical grain reserves and fertilizers from Ukraine and Russia. Ambassador Kapucu also mentioned Türkiye's role in multilateral institutions, including IOFS.

Furthermore, Ambassador Aryn praised the wider presence of Turkish institutions in Africa and requested support for the Cassava Value Chain project. Ambassador Kapucu noted the 44 Turkish diplomatic missions in Africa and TIKA's 22 Program Coordination Offices, ready to facilitate any capacity-building programs.

In closing, both parties reaffirmed their commitment to addressing global food security challenges and emphasized the crucial support of Türkiye in addressing humanitarian crises in Gaza and Afghanistan. The continued collaboration between IOFS and Türkiye is seen as a vital component in enhancing food security and fostering sustainable agricultural development.