IOFS Signs Letter of Intent with FAO to Strengthen Collaboration

Country: Kazakhstan
IOFS Signs Letter of Intent with FAO to Strengthen Collaboration
22 July 2024

Astana, Kazakhstan, July 22, 2024 – Today, on the sidelines of the 16th UN-OIC Biennial General Coordination Meeting, a significant Letter of Intent (LoI) was signed by the Islamic Organization for Food Security (IOFS) represented by its Director General, H.E. Amb. Berik Aryn, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), represented by Assistant Director General, Mr.  AbdulHakim Elwaer on behalf of H.E. Mr. Qu Dongyu, FAO Director General. The initiative marks a pivotal moment in enhancing cooperation between OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) and UN institutions towards achieving shared objectives in food security and agricultural sustainable development.

The LoI underscores the mutual intent of FAO and IOFS to finalize formal agreements in the future, detailing joint cooperation efforts. Initially, these efforts will be country-based and focused on areas such as value chain development, food security governance, sustainable livestock development, and water management. These collaborations aim to leverage each Organization’s expertise and resources to achieve tangible outcomes in enhancing food security and nutrition across common Member States.

It should be noted that FAO, entrusted with the mission to combat hunger and promote food security globally, acknowledges IOFS as a key partner in addressing food security challenges within OIC Member States. IOFS, as an established international organization focusing on food security, sustainable agriculture, and rural development in OIC geography, shares FAO’s commitment to ensuring all people have access to adequate and nutritious food.