IOFS and Iraq Ministry of Agriculture Hold Productive Online Consultation Meeting

Country: Iraq
IOFS and Iraq Ministry of Agriculture Hold Productive Online Consultation Meeting
28 May 2024

Astana, Kazakhstan – On 28 May 2024, the Islamic Organization for Food Security (IOFS) and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Iraq conducted a fruitful online consultation meeting to discuss potential areas of cooperation and address the pressing challenges faced by Iraq.

During the meeting, both sides engaged in comprehensive discussions on critical issues affecting Iraq's agricultural sector. Key topics included the severe impacts of climate change, water scarcity, and prolonged drought conditions. These challenges are significantly affecting Iraq's food security and agricultural development, necessitating urgent and coordinated efforts to develop sustainable solutions.

The IOFS recognized the importance of addressing these issues and committed to working closely with the Ministry of Agriculture to develop a specific capacity-building program. This program will be tailored to the ministry's priorities and will focus on enhancing the skills and expertise of relevant technicians, enabling them to effectively tackle these challenges. The capacity-building initiatives will include training sessions, participation in the workshops which will scheduled by the IOFS, and knowledge exchange programs aimed at improving agricultural practices and resource management.

Furthermore, the meeting highlighted the mutual benefits of increased collaboration between IOFS and Iraq. Both parties expressed their commitment to fostering a stronger partnership, sharing expertise, and implementing joint initiatives that contribute to the sustainability and resilience of Iraq's agricultural sector.

The IOFS and the Ministry of Agriculture of Iraq look forward to finalizing the details of the capacity-building program and commencing its implementation in the near future. This initiative marks a significant step towards strengthening Iraq's agricultural capabilities and ensuring food security.