IOFS and IOM Discuss Strengthening Cooperation on Food Security and Migration

Country: Kazakhstan
IOFS and IOM Discuss Strengthening Cooperation on Food Security and Migration
22 October 2024

Astana, Kazakhstan – 22 October 2024 - The Islamic Organization for Food Security (IOFS) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) held a meeting today to explore opportunities for greater collaboration in addressing food security challenges in regions affected by migration. Ambassador Khusrav Noziri, Assistant Director-General of IOFS, welcomed Mr. Serhan Aktoprak, IOM Sub-Regional Coordinator for Central Asia and Chief of Mission in Kazakhstan, for discussions focused on joint efforts to enhance humanitarian assistance and sustainable agricultural programs.

During the meeting, both parties emphasized the importance of working together to address the growing need for food security in migration-impacted areas. Ambassador Noziri expressed appreciation for IOM’s interest in deepening cooperation and highlighted IOFS’s commitment to fostering food security across its member states through agricultural development, humanitarian aid, and policy coordination. Mr. Aktoprak acknowledged the crucial role IOFS plays within the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and expressed interest in aligning IOM’s work with IOFS’s efforts to support displaced populations and vulnerable communities.

The discussion covered key areas of mutual interest, including the need for coordinated responses to food crises in regions where migration and displacement are prevalent. Both organizations underscored the potential for joint initiatives aimed at improving food security and livelihoods for returnees, refugees, and host communities in affected areas. The meeting also highlighted the importance of sustainable agricultural practices and the mobilization of resources to enhance food systems and build resilience in member states.

The Afghanistan Food Security Program (AFSP), one of the flagship initiatives of the IOFS, was a central topic of discussion. Key achievements include the deployment of innovative solar-powered water systems and the distribution of essential humanitarian aid such as wheat flour to vulnerable Afghan households. The program continues to expand, with new projects focusing on sustainable agricultural development and support for Afghan farmers.

In addition to Afghanistan, the meeting also addressed the broader scope of the work of IOFS in regions like the Sahel, Gaza and several African countries where food insecurity is exacerbated by migration and displacement.

As a result, a key outcome of the meeting was the expression of interest in formalizing the partnership between IOFS and IOM. Both organizations agreed to explore ways to institutionalize their cooperation, including the possibility of signing a formal agreement to coordinate efforts in food security, migration, and humanitarian assistance. The meeting concluded with a shared commitment to continue dialogue and explore specific projects that would benefit from the combined expertise of IOFS and IOM in addressing food insecurity and migration challenges.