IOFS and Algeria Discuss Strengthening Cooperation

Country: Algeria
IOFS and Algeria Discuss Strengthening Cooperation
19 July 2024

Astana, Kazakhstan - 19 July 2024 – His Excellency Ambassador Berik Aryn, Director-General of the Islamic Organization for Food Security (IOFS), met with His Excellency Mr. Kamel Fenniche, Ambassador of the Algerian People's Democratic Republic to the Republic of Kazakhstan, to discuss avenues for enhancing their cooperation.

The meeting, held at the Algerian Embassy in Astana, reinforced the ongoing consultations between IOFS and Algeria. Ambassador Fenniche commenced by congratulating Ambassador Aryn on his recent appointment, expressing confidence in his leadership and wishing him success in his noble mission.

Ambassador Aryn provided an overview of IOFS's main objectives and expressed a sincere desire for Algeria to join IOFS as a member state. He highlighted how Algeria's inclusion would significantly bolster collective efforts in promoting food security and achieving sustainable agriculture and rural development in the region. The potential benefits for Algeria and the entire Ummah were emphasized, focusing on innovative programs such as Gene-Bank, Food Banking, and Water Management. Ambassador Fenniche promised to take the necessary actions with the relevant Algerian authorities to facilitate Algeria's adhesion to the IOFS.

The Director General of IOFS explored specific areas where IOFS and Algeria could collaborate effectively and discussed potential joint initiatives and programs that would benefit both Algeria and the broader Islamic community.

Ambassador Aryn also highlighted IOFS's appeal to all OIC member countries to provide wheat flour and food assistance to the people of Gaza. The Secretariat has decided to extend the timeline for the appeal for 1,000 tons of wheat flour for Gaza, allowing for additional contributions from member countries to ensure a more impactful intervention.

His Excellency Mr. Fenniche extended an invitation to Ambassador Aryn for an official visit to Algeria and emphasized the pivotal role of the hosting country in further developing the organization within the OIC region.