IAEA: IAEA Scientific Forum on Food Security Opens

IAEA: IAEA Scientific Forum on Food Security Opens
20 September 2024

The IAEA Scientific Forum 2024, themed "Atoms4Food: Better Agriculture for a Better Life," opened alongside the 68th IAEA General Conference, attracting over 260 participants, including high-level speakers and ministers from various countries. IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi emphasized the need for practical solutions to global food insecurity, highlighting nuclear techniques like drought-resistant crops and improved water management. OPEC Fund President Abdulhamid Alkhalifa stressed the importance of partnerships in financing nuclear technologies for agriculture, while Kenya’s Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi called for innovative approaches to enhance food system resilience. Speakers from China, Côte d'Ivoire, Morocco, and Uruguay echoed the potential of nuclear science in combating food insecurity and poverty. The forum will continue with technical sessions focused on the application of nuclear science in agriculture, reinforcing global efforts to strengthen food security through collaboration and innovation.

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