Afrik21: SOUTH SUDAN: $46 million from the AfDB to improve food security in 4 states

Country: Sudan
Afrik21: SOUTH SUDAN: $46 million from the AfDB to improve food security in 4 states
19 August 2024

Despite its agricultural potential, South Sudan faces significant food insecurity, with 7 million people struggling to access sufficient and nutritious food. The African Development Bank (AfDB) is addressing this issue with a $46 million investment in the Food and Agriculture Delivery Pact, aimed at transforming the sector over the next six years. South Sudan, the third most fragile country globally and highly vulnerable to climate change, relies heavily on agriculture, which provides 70% of jobs and up to 95% of household income. Yet, only 4.5% of the land is farmed. The AfDB’s funding will support the deployment of climate-smart technologies, enhancement of key value chains like sorghum, rice, sesame, and fisheries, and promotion of digital agricultural and climate advisory solutions. This initiative, in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), will run from September 2024 to December 2030. Additionally, the program will focus on developing skills for women and young people to create job opportunities, targeting 567,155 people in Northern Bahr el Ghazal, Eastern Equatoria, Central Equatoria, and Jonglei, with half of the beneficiaries being women and youth aged 18 to 35.

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