Bio & AgriTech Development

PILLAR 3:Capacity Building

Strategic Objectives

Provide technical expertise to strengthen Member State capacity

Strategic Programmes

  • Development of Gene Banks
  • OIC Strategic Commodities 
  • OIC Healthy & Safe Food Ecosystem
  • Bio & AgriTech Development  
  • Climate impact/ Resource Management 
  • Water Management in Agriculture (current)
  • Transboundary Pest Control Management (current)

10 year goals

  • 1 Gene Bank (Plant and Animal Genetic Resource Center) in most suitable Member States (coordinate across all MS)
  • Individual MS competent Gene Banks to have agreements with main one
  • ‘Key’ commodities productivity by X% (e.g., yield per hectare at global benchmark)
  • Increase in ‘key commodities’ production in MS by (decrease in % net imports or X million tons)
  • Increase # of Member States producing select key commodities
  • Adoption of IOFS developed OIC food system policy framework across majority Member States
  • Increase % consumption of healthy/ nutritious (i.e., ‘Tayyab’) food
  • Reduce halal food import dependency by X%
  • TBD
  • TBD
  • Water use efficiency per crop
  • Preservation of water reserves (% )
  • Reduction in cross countries pest attack
  • Reduction in ‘key’ crops related vulnerable Member States pest attacks

Programmes of Pillar 3

Bio & AgriTech Development

Strategic Objectives:

Provide technical expertise to strengthen the capacity of MS.

Strategic Objectives:

  1. Facilitate transfer and adoption of advanced technologies and innovative practices in agriculture across OIC MS.
  2. Foster partnerships between research institutions, universities, enterprises, government agencies to promote knowledge-sharing and joint initiatives in cutting-edge agricultural technologies.
  3. Facilitate knowledge and expertise exchange activities to enable the adoption of state-of-the-art agricultural technologies, fostering increased productivity and efficiency across member states.
  4. Capacity-building of gene banks and genetic resources research centers of OIC MS in conservation and use of plant and animal genetic resources.

Program Description:

The Bio & Agri-Tech Development program aligns with the Capacity Building pillar of the Islamic Organization for Food Security 2031 Vision, focusing on harnessing the potential of advanced technologies and innovations, aiming to enhance both food security and agricultural productivity across the OIC geography. The foundation of this initiative lies in acknowledging the distinctive challenges and opportunities present in the region, emphasizing the need for tailored solutions that cater to the specific circumstances of member countries.


The “OIC STI Agenda 2026” adopted in 2017, outlines a collective approach to competence building across various themes, from water and agriculture to energy and multinational projects, and prioritizes technology and innovations in agriculture. The resolution of the 8th OIC Ministerial Conference on food security and agriculture, it was emphasized cooperation among Member States, knowledge sharing, and technology transfer for sustainable agricultural development. It highlights the importance of revitalizing the agriculture sector, promoting rural development, and ensuring food security by addressing the needs of smallholders through access to essential resources and technologies.

Within the 4th IOFS General Assembly meeting held on 8-9 September 2021 in Astana, Kazakhstan, OIC member states adopted the IOFS Strategic Vision 2031 that included the implementation of 16 programs in the long-term perspective, one of which is “OIC Food System Talent Development”.


  1. Promote Technology Transfer and Adoption:
  • Increase the overall adoption of advanced agricultural technologies across OIC MS by fostering collaborations and facilitating the transfer of knowledge.
  • Establish and support a network of technology transfer hubs to ensure widespread access to innovative agricultural practices.
  • Enhance awareness and understanding of the benefits of advanced technologies among agricultural stakeholders.
  1. Strengthen Collaborative Partnerships:
  • Forge robust partnerships between research institutions, universities, enterprises, and government agencies to create a collaborative ecosystem for the development and promotion of cutting-edge agricultural technologies.
  • Encourage cross-disciplinary collaboration to address complex challenges and drive innovation in the agricultural sector.
  • Foster an environment conducive to knowledge-sharing and joint initiatives among stakeholders.
  1. Facilitate Knowledge and Expertise Exchange:
  • Organize and promote knowledge exchange activities, such as workshops, webinars, and conferences, to facilitate the sharing of expertise and best practices among member states.
  • Develop a platform for ongoing dialogue and collaboration on the adoption of state-of-the-art agricultural technologies.
  • Monitor and evaluate the impact of knowledge exchange activities on increasing productivity and efficiency in agriculture across member states.
  1. Enhance Capacity in Genetic Resources Conservation:
  • Implement a comprehensive capacity-building program for gene banks and genetic resources research centers to strengthen their capabilities in the conservation and use of plant and animal genetic resources.
  • Establish mechanisms for ongoing support and collaboration among gene banks to collectively enhance genetic resources conservation efforts.


  • Collaborative workshops to bring together stakeholders to discuss the benefits of advanced technologies and foster collaborations.
  • Develop an outreach program to identify and engage potential partners, including research institutions, universities, enterprises, and government agencies.
  • Plan and execute knowledge exchange activities, such as workshops, webinars, and conferences, to facilitate the sharing of expertise.
  • Create an online platform for ongoing dialogue and collaboration, providing a space for member states to discuss and share insights on agricultural technologies.
  • Implement a monitoring and evaluation system to assess the impact of knowledge exchange activities on productivity and efficiency.
  • Initiate a comprehensive capacity-building program for gene banks and genetic resources research centers, including training modules and workshops.
  • Establish mechanisms for ongoing collaboration, including regular meetings and shared resources, to enhance genetic resources conservation efforts collectively.


  • Increased adoption rate of advanced agricultural technologies across OIC MS by X% within the next three years.
  • Established and operational network of technology transfer hubs, ensuring widespread access to innovative agricultural practices.
  • Elevated awareness and understanding of the benefits of advanced technologies among agricultural stakeholders, leading to informed decision-making.
  • Forged robust partnerships between research institutions, universities, enterprises, and government agencies, contributing to a collaborative ecosystem for the development and promotion of cutting-edge agricultural technologies.
  • Successful organization and promotion of knowledge exchange activities, such as workshops, webinars, and conferences, facilitating the sharing of expertise and best practices among member states.
  • Development and implementation of an effective online platform for ongoing dialogue and collaboration, providing member states with a dedicated space for discussion on agricultural technologies.
  • Establishment of effective mechanisms for ongoing collaboration, including regular meetings and shared resources, contributing to enhanced genetic resources conservation efforts collectively.

Highlights of implemented activities (activity-wise for each activity):

  1. 2nd International Forum for Agri-Biotechnology on 4-5 July 2023 in Astana, Kazakhstan.
  • Hosted by the NCB Kazakhstan, and co-funded by COMSTECH, COMSATS.
  • Throughout the knowledge & experience sharing event 47 presentations - 31 physical, 12 online, by speakers from over 15 countries. It provided an excellent platform for an exchange of expertise, knowledge, networking and fostering advancements in the field of agriculture and biotechnology.
  • Overall, 150 beneficiaries from 12 OIC MS.
  • Involvement in conduction: plenary session, all content sessions, technical aspects, venue set up & proper coordination among service providers, role of master of ceremony.
  1. Forum of Advanced Agri-Tech within the 2nd IOFS High-Level Forum on 2 October 2024 in Doha, Qatar.
  • Established contacts with well-known agri-tech enterprises, experts, researchers.
  • 110 beneficiaries from 23 OIC MS.
  • Four dedicated sessions: i) Good Food Farming and Climate-Smart Agriculture; ii) Water Management Technologies and Innovations; iii) Enhancing Agricultural Food Production Through Emerging Technologies; iv) Roundtable on Policy and Regulatory Frameworks.

Highlights of planned activities:

  • 3rd Youth Biotechnology Forum
  • Workshops on applications of AI in agricultural production management, crop monitoring and disease detection.
  • Training in using GPS Data for Agriculture.
  • Workshops on Digital Technologies for Reducing Food Waste and Digitizing Food Supply Chains.
  • Workshops on New irrigation technologies with focus on: precision irrigation, drip irrigation, solar-powered pumps.

Success story

  • Awareness raised of OIC Member States and established network of enterprises and research institutions focusing on advanced technologies in agriculture as a result of i) Forum of Advanced Agri-Tech within the 2nd IOFS High-Level Forum on 2 October 2024 in Doha, Qatar. ii) 2nd International Forum for Agri-Biotechnology on 4-5 July 2023 in Astana, Kazakhstan.

Strategic Partners:



Cross-linked IOFS Programs:

 OIC Strategic Commodities

 Climate Impact/Resource Management 

 Development of Gene Banks

 OIC Healthy and Safe Food Ecosystem

 Water Management in Agriculture

 Transboundary Pest Control Management 

 Livestock Ecosystems