Ahram Online https://english.ahram.org.eg published an article about current strategic wheat reserves of Egypt that is able to satisfy domestic consumption for 7.2 months, according to the Minister of Supply and Internal Trade. Ministry succeeded to obtain 2.7 million tonnes of wheat from different countries during the crisis including France, Russia, Romania, Bulgaria, and Germany.
Additionally Egypt has a strategic reserve of rice for 3.2 months and strategic reserve of subsidized sugar sufficient for 6.6 months. While strategic reserve of subsidized oil covers 5.3 months with the strategic reserves of live meat for about 14 months.
In 2020, Egypt – the largest wheat importer – imported 12.8 million tonnes of wheat, nearly 80 percent of its grain from Russia and Ukraine through the Black Sea due to its high quality, and reasonable cost. Egypt imported all the wheat shipments prior to the war, with the exception of one 63,000-tonnes shipment that is stuck in the Black Sea.
Egypt has harvested over 4 billion tonnes of wheat in the ongoing harvest season – which started in April and will continue until the end of August – with a total cost of EGP 23 billion.
Full version of the article is here: